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Descargar PDF Conversations with Filmmakers: Movie Journal Columns 1961 - 1975 de Jonas Mekas PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

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Conversations with Filmmakers: Movie Journal Columns 1961 - 1975 de Jonas Mekas

Descripción - Reseña del editor Pioneer avant-garde filmmaker, poet and artist Jonas Mekas (born 1922) was the barometer of the New York art scene in the 1960s and '70s. His interviews with Andy Warhol, Stan Brakhage, Susan Sontag, John Cassavetes, Carolee Schneemann, Yvonne Rainer, Claes Oldenburg, Kenneth Anger and Michael Snow, among many other avant-garde artists and filmmakers for his weekly column in the Village Voice between 1958 and 1977, are gathered here for the first time in this substantial publication.Originally recorded by Mekas using film cameras, still cameras and tape recordings, 60 conversations have been transcribed. Peppered with photos or stills from his films, each interview is a record of the artistic vision of the late 20th century and also a wonderful scrapbook and visual document of these noted artists. Letters and extracts from related scripts and an index supplement the texts.This is Mekas' third publication with Spector Books, following the acclaimed collection of his writings and reviews featured in Scrapbook of the Sixties. Mekas continues to produce interviews--over 70 years documenting and critiquing the reigning film and art scenes. Featured interviews include Jerome Hill, Vittorio De Seta, Gregory Markopoulos, Storm De Hirsch, George and Mike Kuchar, Mike Getz, Andy Warhol, Nico Papatakis, Taylor Mead, Claes Oldenburg, Shirley Clarke, Albert and David Maysles, Tony Conrad, Peter Kubelka, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Ken Jacobs, Susan Sontag, John Cassavetes, Michael Snow, Kenneth Anger, Anna Karina, Hollis Frampton, Yvonne Rainer and Carolee Schneemann.

Depauw magazine summer 2005 university academia depauw magazine summer 2005 free download as pdf file pdf, text file txt or read online for free Spector books experimental cinema experimental cinema news and resources on experimental films enter your keywords english español Una pila de libros 2 la galaxia mekas encerrados afuera a principios de este año la editorial alemana spector books anunció la edición de un libro titulado conversations with filmmakers movie journal columns 1961 1975 de jonas mekas como su título indica, se trata de una serie de reportajes a diferentes directores, algunos muy conocidos, otros no tanto, todos pertenecientes a la galaxia mekas

Google libros haz búsquedas en el mayor catálogo de libros completos del mundo mi colección editores información privacidad términos ayuda información privacidad términos ayuda Google books search the worlds most comprehensive index of fulltext books my library Conversations with filmmakers book, 2018 worldcat conversations with filmmakers conversations with filmmakers movie journal columns 19611975 village voice greenwich village, new york, ny responsibility jonas mekas abstract pioneer avantgarde filmmaker, poet and artist jonas mekas b 1922 was the barometer of the new york art scene in the 1960s and 1970s

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Conversations with Filmmakers: Movie Journal Columns 1961 - 1975
  • Autor: Jonas Mekas
  • Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Películas
  • Tamaño del archivo: 16 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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